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PG3 needs some prayers…

Well, it’s been 2 weeks since Piper’s last visit to the vet. In those 2 weeks, we’ve gotten her booties, been on anti-inflammatories the entire time, and she’s been doing really well. She’s getting used to the booties and moving herself around the house without any problems (ok, the first couple of times were pretty funny, but she’s doing much better). She’s still been limping a little, so I took her back to the vet today for another shot and more medicine. I also wanted her vet to see her, see if there was something else going on with her. While we were there today the vet decided to do some  x-rays and, though she couldn’t tell me definitively, she is suspecting my little girl may have cancer now in her right front humerus.  🙁

We have to see the surgeon again for more x-rays so we can determine if that is the case. My vet couldn’t really tell by her x-rays, and would rather have the surgeon take a look and see what he thinks. I am so heartbroken. I am trying to think positively, and praying that is it just a muscle issue that hasn’t quite healed, but I’m just so scared. If it is cancer, I know what I have to do, but I will wait for her daddy to come home, since he’ll be home in 15 days. I want him to have a happy homecoming, not one filled with the dread of what we may have to do. Please pray for my PG, and I will update all of you when I have some answers. Thank you to everyone for all your love and support these last couple of months. I really couldn’t have done this without you.

12 Comments to PG3 needs some prayers…

  1. etgayle says:

    oh no, this is just too scary. we are definitely sending our best ET juju to PG3 – hold on to all the love that’s around you sister!! your dad’s coming home and you know that will just cause the love and good juju to go exponential!!! do let us know what you find out, and if there’s anything we can do to help. hugs to all!!

    charon & gayle

  2. Dakota Dawg says:

    I’m sorry you have this on your plate to deal with. Try to take your cues from Piper. If she’s happy, wagging and engaged, that’s a good thing. And try not to write her future. I am as guilty of that as the next person, but I know it’s pointless. Wait and see, and then let Piper lead.


  3. chilidawg says:

    Oh dear! I hope that it is not cancer. I will be sending pawsitive thoughts your way.

    Jenna & Spirit Chili DAwg

  4. AbbysMom says:

    Oh no, that is very scary indeed. We love PG3 and want her to have a wonderful homecoming with her daddy! We are sending our best positive thoughts out to you guys! Team Tripawds positive thoughts can really work wonders!!

    Sending hugs and Abby kisses!
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  5. jerry says:

    Ohhhh! We are SO hoping it’s something else. It is very rare for the cancer to spread to another limb, so try to keep that in mind. Others here have had scares like that and it turned out it wasn’t cancer, so we hope that PG3 is just as fortunate. Please keep us posted OK? {{{{hugs}}}}

  6. pipersmom says:

    Thank you everyone, it means so much to me that you all care so much. I am trying to be positive and after a lengthy discussion with my hubby (we skyped today!), we decided we would wait to see how it goes with the anti-inflams and pain meds. Piper was on Novox, which I guess is generic for Rimydal(Sp?), so the doc thinks that maybe it wasn’t working like the name brand one would (something about having the same active ingredients but may not be being delivered as well). So, we will see how she does in the next week. She already seems a little better tonight, but she’s also on pain meds, so that could be it. The good news from today is that her lungs are clear….so finger’s crossed that it’s a bad muscle issue and not that dreaded “c” word! I am not sure if all of you will see this, so that is why I replied to all of you with “please see my comment below…thank you!!” or some variation of it! 🙂

  7. doggiemomma9 says:

    Great news on clear lungs! Hoping the switch in meds does a wonder of good for PG3. Keep us posted. Sending positive thoughts for you all!

    Nancy and Butchey

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